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a+tec實構築 (9月)

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英國年輕建築史家何利斯(Edward Hollis)於 2009 年出版了 The Secret Lives of Buildings(中譯《建築變形記》),書中詳述了十三個建築(或說構造物)歷史,從古希臘帕德嫩神殿到二戰後柏林圍牆,這些空間在時間中不斷被改造的過程。而此書出版後,一時洛陽紙貴,被認為相對於傳統的建築史寫作,提出了全新的詮釋觀點。值得注意的是,何利斯並非專業建築史家,而是一位建築師。在開業之前,他曾對斯里蘭卡的廢墟進行研究,也對英國維多利亞時期別莊進行研究與修復,或許是這些親身經歷,讓他領略出傳統建築史寫作的不足,得以另闢蹊徑,成就一家之言。在此書緒論中,何利斯特別提到,真實的建築總是不停地在轉變,唯有學會欣賞轉變,並學習從中發揮創造,我們才有可能成為真正的建築師!

本期刊登來自台灣、歐洲和日本的十二個案例,橫跨了各式不同情狀,不但為當代的建築 X-Change 留下了最好的註腳,我們也可藉由拉開既有建築改造圖景的寬廣與複雜,並討論相關的特定設計技術。相信詳閱過的讀者都會發現,建築的改造與再利用,相對於新建建築,建築實務上的挑戰可能更多樣且困難。更重要的是,這些建築也牽涉到一個重要的課題,即透過由記憶的保存所創造之空間詩性的可能。因此本期開頭,特別安排帕拉斯瑪(Juhani Pallasmaa)的文章,為我們揭示了這個向度:建築不僅可以是一種史詩敘事,也是對抗當代消費主義濫用未來主義追求新異的利器;它連結生活,創造場所。

The theme of Architecture + Tectonics Taiwan Quarterly is "X-Change", underlining our view that constant change is in fact the most permanent essence of architecture. Over the millenniums, humans have relied heavily on alteration in building practice; one may even say that the history of architecture is the history of architectural alterations. Unfortunately, this critical and central theme has been pushed over to the side by architects and the general public alike with the rise of architectural industrialization under industrial capitalism. We have forgotten that human’s power of erecting new buildings in masses was a result of pressure from industrial capitalism, which pushed architectural alteration off the mainstream and engendered radical changes to the architectural and urban landscape. In other words, it has been just a little over a century since humans turned their backs on alteration as the architectural mainstream. As environmental issues such as global warming become more and more urgent, is it time for us to rethink this essence of architecture?

The Secret Lives of Buildings by young British architectural historian Edward Hollis was published in 2009. The book delineated the history of 13 architectural works (or structures), from the Parthenon of ancient Greece to the post-WWII Berlin Wall, depicting the process of constant alteration of these spaces along the temporal axis. The book became an instant hit because it presented a brand-new perspective over traditional writings on architectural history. Notably, Hollis is not an architectural historian by profession, but rather an architect. Before starting his own practice, he researched relics in Sri Lanka and engaged in studies and restorations of Victorian villas in the UK. Perhaps these personal experiences had helped him identify the shortcomings of traditional writings of architectural history and enabled him to formulate a creed to call his own. In the introduction to the book, Hollis noted that true architecture is constantly changing; we can only become a true architect by learning to appreciate change and find creativity therein.
The present edition features 12 case studies from Taiwan, Europe and Japan, showcasing a myriad of situations. Not only are they the epitome of the essence of change in contemporary architecture, the breadth and complexity in the alteration landscape of these existing buildings also facilitate discussions in specific design techniques. I believe the prudent reader will discover that the alteration and adaptation of buildings may present more diverse and difficult challenges in practice than new buildings. More importantly, these buildings also highlight an important issue: the possibility of creating spatial poetry by preserving memories. We have therefore chosen to open the journal with an essay by Juhani Pallasmaa to impart this dimension: architecture is not only a temporal narrative, but also a weapon against the excess of contemporary consumerism and the pursuit of eccentricity of futurism; it connects life and creates places.

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