綠野仙蹤中英對照雙語版(附情境配樂英語全文朗讀MP3與紀念藏書票) | 拾書所


$ 301 元 原價 380





Chapter 1龍捲風來了
Chapter 2 遇見芒奇金人
Chapter 3 拯救稻草人
Chapter 4 穿過森林的路
Chapter 5 拯救錫樵夫
Chapter 6 膽小的獅子
Chapter 7 前往偉大的奧茲國
Chapter 8 致命的罌粟花田
Chapter 9 田鼠女王
Chapter 10 城門守衛
Chapter 11 神奇的翡翠城
Chapter 12 尋找邪惡女巫
Chapter 13 救援行動
Chapter 14 長翅膀的猴子
Chapter 15 可怕奧茲的真面目
Chapter 16 大騙子的魔術
Chapter 17 熱氣球飛上天了
Chapter 18 出發去南方
Chapter 19 怪樹的攻擊
Chapter 20 精緻的白瓷城
Chapter 21 獅子成為萬獸之王
Chapter 22 奎德林國
Chapter 23 桃樂絲如願以償
Chapter 24 重返家園

1 The Cyclone
2 The Council with the Munchkins
3 How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow
4 The Road Through the Forest
5 The Rescue of the Tin Woodman
6 The Cowardly Lion
7 The Journey to the Great Oz
8 The Deadly Poppy Field
9 The Queen of the Field Mice
10 The Guardian of the Gate
11 The Wonderful Emerald City of Oz
12 The Search for the Wicked Witch
13 The Rescue
14 The Winged Monkeys
15 The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible
16 The Magic Art of the Great Humbug
17 How the Balloon Was Launched
18 Away to the South
19 Attacked by the Fighting Trees
20 The Dainty China Country
21 The Lion Becomes the King of the Beasts
22 The Country of the Quadlings
23 Glinda Grants Dorothy’s Wish
24 Home Again

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