Chinese Antique Furniture | 拾書所

Chinese Antique Furniture

$ 1,757 元 原價 2,350
To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of Chinese Antique Furniture.
The Palace Museum’s Essential Collection
Selected 262 pieces of Chinese Antique Furniture from different dynasties.

The Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world’s largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who is interested in Chinese painting, ceramic ware, jade ware, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.

This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 262 pieces of furniture from Ming and Qing periods collected by the Palace Museum. These pieces are made of different materials including valuable hardwood, lacquer furniture, and common firewood furniture, covering a wide range of types, such as the bed, throne, desk, long table, and chair. It is hoped that this book can help readers gain an understanding of the traditional furniture of China on top of their historical value.

中國故宮藏品圖解之絕對珍藏本 讓你一本看通中國家具藏品

★ 精選故宮最具代表性的262件家具文物。
★ 含實物放大圖、圖解。
★ 含故宮專家撰寫的導言。

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