設計之心‧攝影之眼 | 拾書所


$ 613 元 原價 880

本書為國際知名室內設計公司「戴維國際設計」創辦人張書銘先生(David Chang),多年來旅行世界各地時,用手中的iPHONE所捕捉的美麗瞬間,內容主要為各國的山川美景、各大城市的建築群體以及各地的美食。




David Chang, the founder of DCDA (David Chang Design Associates International Ltd.), an international full service design company, captured all the beautiful moments with his iPHONE while traveling. This book contains photos of mountains, seas, city buildings and cuisines all over the world.

This interior designer considered the sceneries, architectures and foods as the best memories of his voyages. The photos with iPHONE present the simplicity and pureness. It doesn’t need lighting, tripod or lens. Each frame of picture reflected his perspective to the world. During journeys, he recorded the dust of time.

There are eight chapters in this book including People, Vast Expanses of Oceans and Mountains, The One and Only, Upon the Water, Material Worlds, Geometry Symphony, The Story of Arch, and The Beauty of Feasts. It represents the magnificent world in the author’s heart. This is his heart of design, his eye of photography.

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