Lulu’s Clothes | 拾書所

Lulu’s Clothes

$ 304 元 原價 384
圓圓的臉蛋綁著可愛髮夾的小小女孩Lulu,今天將會是很忙碌的一天,穿好自己的粉紅衣和紅色大外套,吃完早餐後她準備要出門囉~ 小朋友,快來幫Lulu看看她的拉鍊有沒有拉好? 外套的口袋裡藏了什麼東西呀? 游完泳回家還要幫媽媽洗碗,然後迅速地騎著腳踏車去朋友家參加party囉~

As every parent will testify, toddlers care passionately about what they are wearing! In this totally interactive book, Lulu chooses a range of wonderful, colourful clothes with zips to fasten, pockets to look in, dresses to admire and colours to consider. But of course, there is always the favourite outfit to save for last. A delightful novelty book with real toddler appeal - put this book into the buggy and you might just get to the shops before they close!

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