Lulu’s Christmas | 拾書所

Lulu’s Christmas

$ 347 元 原價 439
圓圓的臉蛋綁著可愛髮夾的小小女孩Lulu,這次也要和小朋友們一起過聖誕節囉! 快來幫她一起佈置吧~
這系列可愛的操作書,可以訓練幼兒的手指活動,特殊的觸感更讓他們產生許多驚喜唷! 此系列目前共有四本,喜歡的朋友可都別再錯過囉~

As every parent knows, Christmas is a time of great excitement and here young readers can join Lulu as she prepares the tree, lays out her stocking, builds a snowman and, of course, experiences the thrill of opening her presents. But which will Lulu's favourite present be in this glorious book, full of touch-and-feel, pull-tab and sensational surprise elements?

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