Lulu’s Loo | 拾書所

Lulu’s Loo

$ 347 元 原價 439
Lulu系列的新書來囉~ Lulu和其他小朋友一樣到了拋棄尿布的年紀。這天,媽咪買了個小禮物給她,拆開來看原來是個桃紅色的小馬桶呢! Lulu超喜歡的,不管是在廚房、臥室或遊戲間都要帶著坐著,漸漸地Lulu也習慣不包尿布,偶爾媽媽也讓她練習坐在大馬桶上唷! (雖然Lulu總會頑皮的要玩玩抽取衛生紙) 學習和尿布說bye-bye是個循序漸進的功課,爸爸媽媽不要太著急,讓孩子邊玩邊適應邊練習,培養他們的對這件事情的信心和成就感,很快就會成功囉^^

Lulu系列目前共有四種,Lulu's Shoes、Lulu's Clothes、Lulu's Christmas & Lulu's Loo,可以訓練幼兒的手指活動,特殊的觸感更讓他們產生許多驚喜,是相當受歡迎的幼兒操作書唷!
  Lulu does potty-training! Join in with Lulu's toilet adventures as she learns how to use potties and proper loos. Lulu is given a special present by Mummy - her very own potty. Lulu does her first wee-wee in the potty. Soon she's sitting on her potty everywhere - in the kitchen, in her bedroom, in the playroom, even in the garden! Then Lulu graduates from wearing nappies to wearing big girl knickers and using the big toilet, with a few tiny accidents along the way.

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