Lulu’s Shoes | 拾書所

Lulu’s Shoes

$ 304 元 原價 384
圓圓的臉蛋綁著可愛髮夾的小小女孩Lulu,她最愛穿著心愛的粉紅花鞋去逛街了,小朋友,你可以幫她看看有沒有將鞋鞋穿好呢? 在公園裡玩了溜滑梯,Lulu最愛盪鞦韆那種搖擺的感覺囉~冬天時Lulu會帶著她的小狗出門,這時候就要穿上冬天的厚底暖暖鞋,小朋友,幫Lulu看看鞋鞋的繩子有沒有打好了呢? 夏天則是穿著黃色大花的海灘鞋去海邊,在家就要穿最舒服輕便的兔兔粉紅拖鞋囉~

  As every parent will testify, toddlers are absolutely fascinated by shoes. Toddlers take shoes on and off, undo the Velcro tabs, tie up laces and fiddle with buckles. Leaving the house involves trying on every pair of shoes they possess before the right ones are chosen. All in all, there's no end to the hold shoes seem to have on toddlers - and it's not just the girls - the boys are just as bad! Lulu's Shoes is therefore the answer to every parent's prayers. A delightful novelty book with guaranteed toddler appeal - put this book into their hands as you're getting them into the buggy and you might just get to Tesco's before lunchtime!

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