Higher! Higher! | 拾書所

Higher! Higher!

$ 194 元 原價 245
小女孩和爸爸來到秋千旁,興奮的坐在秋千上,叫爸爸幫她推秋千,「高一點,再高一點!」爸爸努力的幫小女孩推秋千,隨著小女孩的歡呼聲和笑聲,秋千越盪越高,奇妙的事情發生了,長頸鹿、高樓大廈、登山者……一一出現和小女孩打招呼。 這本充滿想像力的圖畫書,雖然文字不多,但透過畫面,我們和小女孩認識了許多人,又一同遊歷不同的的地方,同時,因為在爸爸的陪伴下,小女孩才能安全又放心的盡情遊玩,最後回到爸爸溫暖的懷抱,在爸爸厚實的大手下,興奮的說下次要再來玩秋千,然後快樂的回家,全書洋溢著濃濃的親情和繽紛的色彩,非常適合親子閱讀和分享喔!

  The sky’s no limit in a witty picture book about a child on a swing and the wonders of the imagination.

  One child. One swing. An obliging dad. The inevitable plea to go "Higher! Higher!" Add Leslie Patricelli’s wildly expressive illustrations, and an everyday pastime reaches new heights of humor and whimsy. How high can it go? Higher than a giraffe? Taller than a mountain? Is Earth the final frontier? The creator of a popular series of board books rises to the occasion with an ingenious picture book of very few words that expresses the giddy glee of being pushed in a swing.

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