創意大師艾瑞.卡爾,在看到1992年發生的真實故事時,心中油然生起改編故事的念頭,本書就在這個構想下孕育而生。現在,就讓我們一同和艾瑞.卡爾去經歷這一場精采刺激的冒險之旅。 重複、韻文式的詞句,優美、朗朗上口,非常適合和孩子一起共讀,或輪流朗讀;而有趣的故事中,更蘊藏豐富的學習內容,包括1?10的數字學習,東、西等方位的概念學習,而艾瑞.卡爾一貫獨特的拼貼技巧、明亮的色彩、逗趣的動物造型,更讓孩子認識到各種海洋動物,海豚、海豹、北極熊、烏龜……等,更增添本書的知性份量;非常了解孩子個性的艾瑞.卡爾,更在最後一頁做了一個特殊設計,讓本書兼具感性、知性及趣味的圖畫玩具書。
此為硬頁書 (Board Book)
10 little rubber ducks overboard!
Get swept away on a high-seas voyage of discovery with 10 little rubber ducks as they float to every part of the world. They all find adventure, but one duck finds something very special!
此為硬頁書 (Board Book)
10 little rubber ducks overboard!
Get swept away on a high-seas voyage of discovery with 10 little rubber ducks as they float to every part of the world. They all find adventure, but one duck finds something very special!