Dinoblock 恐龍方塊書 | 拾書所

Dinoblock 恐龍方塊書

$ 469 元 原價 593
創意認知 x 互動式設計,讓孩子動手參與!

★ 《恐龍方塊書》內有好多不同的恐龍,等著與小讀者面對面!
有像鵝一般長長身型的恐龍~ Coelophysis鮑氏腔骨龍
有像雲梯車般六層樓高的恐龍~Brachiosaurus 腕龍
有前腳短短像袋鼠的恐龍~ Ceratosaurus 角鼻龍



  「霸王龍的手只有2隻手指,不是3隻」,小小恐龍專家們會開始源源不絕地告訴你,他所知道關於恐龍的大小事,甚至暴龍的英文Tyrannosaurus Rex,也能標準地從這些小嘴巴說出喔!

  Following in the footsteps of the groundbreaking Alphablock and Countablock, Dinoblock features thick pages cut into the shapes of dinosaurs! Readers will be introduced to more than 20 different kinds of dinos via die-cuts of their unique silhouettes and the illuminating comparisons to familiar things from a young child’s world. I stretch high like the ladder on a fire truck. I am a Brachiosaurus. As children touch the pages, they have a chance to guess the dinosaur and appreciate the uniqueness of its silhouette. A final gatefold delivers a roundup of all the dinos included. This hands-on approach, delivered in colorful pages by hip British design team Peskimo, makes for an immersive, age-appropriate introduction to a favorite topic of childhood.

★ 亞馬遜書店年度最佳童書。
★ 2013 美國PARENTS雜誌最佳十大童書(Parents 10 Best Children’s Books of 2013)
★ 2014 美國兒童圖書館協會推荐童書(Notable Children’s Books from ALSC 2014)
★ 2013 Family Choice Award
★ NAPPA 銀牌獎/童書類(美國親子產品出版獎)

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