以各種手指印創造出的數字,每個數字都由不同的動物昆蟲來代表,這本數字與字母的不同,在於左邊多了Count to的複習功用,讓孩子在一邊閱讀時還能一邊複習之前的數字與內容,裡面的簡單句型還加上了押韻哦!
A follow-up to Alphaprints: Colors and Alphaprints: ABC combines simple, colorful illustrations and photographs in an innovative format that incorporates interactive tactile elements designed to promote early counting and recognition skills.
A follow-up to Alphaprints: Colors and Alphaprints: ABC combines simple, colorful illustrations and photographs in an innovative format that incorporates interactive tactile elements designed to promote early counting and recognition skills.