Orange Pear Apple Bear | 拾書所

Orange Pear Apple Bear

$ 304 元 原價 384
Delight in a beautifully realised and very funny exploration of colour, the relationship between different objects and the power of the imagination. Orange Pear Apple Bear is a wonderfully simple and engaging picture book from award-winning author/illustrator Emily Gravett. By rearranging just four words, Emily Gravett creates a series of playful images which are a sheer joy - and intensely satisfying. The loose energy of the pencil and watercolour pictures will be irresistible to adults and children alike. Perfect for reading out loud to very young children.

這本Orange Pear Apple Bear是本清新可喜的佳作,受到相當的歡迎。 書本中以素描勾勒形體、淡彩著色,背景全白,凸顯書裡重要的四個物件:橘子、西洋梨、蘋果與大熊。

一隻大熊和三個水果之間在繪本裡來玩文字遊戲。不同的組合位置,造成了不同的主角。 有時橘子是物件,有時又變成了修飾其他物件的形容詞了。看似簡潔的故事.卻是趣味十足的唷!!

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