Wuthering Heights is a dramatic story about two families living in the Yorkshire Moors and the tragedies brought into their lives by security, Catherine Earnshaw tries to escape from her love for Heathcliffe by marrying Edgar Linton. Heathcliffe's revenge and passion for Catherine bring death to both families. The book ends on a hopeful note in the marriage of Catherine's daughter to Hareton Earnshaw and an end to the family feud.
◎Story to Remember(STR)是將膾炙人口的世界文學名著, 在儘可能保留原著風格下, 改寫得淺顯易懂。讀者不但可享受到閱讀文學作品樂趣, 也在不知不覺中增進了英文能力。
◎本系列共分Junior 及 Senior兩級, 書後附有難字、片語及故事背後的註解, 以及測驗題可複習。
Wuthering Heights is a dramatic story about two families living in the Yorkshire Moors and the tragedies brought into their lives by security, Catherine Earnshaw tries to escape from her love for Heathcliffe by marrying Edgar Linton. Heathcliffe's revenge and passion for Catherine bring death to both families. The book ends on a hopeful note in the marriage of Catherine's daughter to Hareton Earnshaw and an end to the family feud.
◎Story to Remember(STR)是將膾炙人口的世界文學名著, 在儘可能保留原著風格下, 改寫得淺顯易懂。讀者不但可享受到閱讀文學作品樂趣, 也在不知不覺中增進了英文能力。
◎本系列共分Junior 及 Senior兩級, 書後附有難字、片語及故事背後的註解, 以及測驗題可複習。