暖化和難民潮是現今全球關切的議題,得獎作家Barroux 巧妙地將其以童趣的手法融合在繪本中,讓大小朋友能透過書中北極熊寶寶尋找家的溫馨故事,無形中與時事接軌且了解到建立家園的篳路藍縷中,愛與包容的重要性;就像北極熊接納小猴子一樣,即使彼此存在著樣貌的不同、文化與生活方式的差異 、甚至是一定程度的不便,愛,是不分種族也不分國界的。看似趣味橫生的童書中卻蘊含著深刻的人道哲學和大愛理念,不僅讓大朋友感動不已,也讓小小朋友在幼兒時期人格養成的黃金階段,培養對國際議題的細膩敏銳性、學習去禮讚世界上大千萬物的獨特性和人與人相處應該有的尊重與體諒。
When Polar Bear and his friends are swept away from their icy home, they hope to find refuge in a new land. But when they are turned away from one new place after another, they start to doubt that they will ever find somewhere they will be made welcome.
In this exceptional book, author-illustrator Barroux has crafted a powerful story with a twist ending about hugely important and current issues. A great opportunity for parents to discuss with children the plight of migrants and refugees, as well as global warming, in a gentle, open-ended way. -Amazon.uk-
暖化和難民潮是現今全球關切的議題,得獎作家Barroux 巧妙地將其以童趣的手法融合在繪本中,讓大小朋友能透過書中北極熊寶寶尋找家的溫馨故事,無形中與時事接軌且了解到建立家園的篳路藍縷中,愛與包容的重要性;就像北極熊接納小猴子一樣,即使彼此存在著樣貌的不同、文化與生活方式的差異 、甚至是一定程度的不便,愛,是不分種族也不分國界的。看似趣味橫生的童書中卻蘊含著深刻的人道哲學和大愛理念,不僅讓大朋友感動不已,也讓小小朋友在幼兒時期人格養成的黃金階段,培養對國際議題的細膩敏銳性、學習去禮讚世界上大千萬物的獨特性和人與人相處應該有的尊重與體諒。
When Polar Bear and his friends are swept away from their icy home, they hope to find refuge in a new land. But when they are turned away from one new place after another, they start to doubt that they will ever find somewhere they will be made welcome.
In this exceptional book, author-illustrator Barroux has crafted a powerful story with a twist ending about hugely important and current issues. A great opportunity for parents to discuss with children the plight of migrants and refugees, as well as global warming, in a gentle, open-ended way. -Amazon.uk-