香港歷史考察之旅:港島區(中英對照) | 拾書所


$ 551 元 原價 760



Still reading historical titles or seeing old photos? Why not visit the historical sites by yourself, and trace every bit of Hong Kong history in the real environment?

Hong Kong history expert, Mr. Cheng Po Hung, has himself designed a number of historical guided tours for the Hong Kong Island. He has led tours to walk through every route. With rich itinerary that contains numerous interesting historical details of Hong Kong, the guided tours were highly praised.

This book includes more than 200 historical pictures of Hong Kong. Readers can travel through the Eastern, Central, Western, Admiralty and Wan Chai districts, comparing the old and the new appearances of these areas.

(1) 本書作者原創幾條遊覽港島的路線,並已多次帶隊考察,行程豐富,讀者從中能了解有趣的香港歷史。

(2) 幾條路線並不重複,由西區西環直至東區筲箕灣,涵蓋了大部分港島區的歷史及景點。本書照顧外籍讀者需要,內容提供英文翻譯。

(3) 配以各區附路線的地圖,讀者可按圖索驥,自訂考察路線。

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