Fun 學英文簡報:商務簡報技巧&範例 (25K +1MP3) | 拾書所

Fun 學英文簡報:商務簡報技巧&範例 (25K +1MP3)

$ 420 元 原價 420









Part 1 Preparing for Your Presentation 簡報前的準備工作
Unit 1 Learning About the Audience 認識簡報對象
Unit 2 Assembling the Outline 製作簡報綱要
Unit 3 Creating Your Own Outline 建立個人的簡報大綱
Unit 4 Preparing the Format 設計綱要型態
Unit 5 Enhancing Your Delivery 加強表達方式
Unit 6 Practicing the Presentation 簡報模擬練習

Part 2 Phrases for Pre-introduction Small Talk 開場白之前的閒談
Unit 7 Casual Introductions and Small Talk 自我介紹及閒談

Part 3 Phrases for Presenting the Introduction 簡報開場白的用語
Unit 8 Introducing Yourself 自我介紹
Unit 9 Introducing the Subject 介紹簡報主題

Part 4 Phrases for Presenting the Content 闡明簡報主題的用語
Unit 10 Indicating Your Preference for Dealing With Questions 表達處理聽眾提問的方式
Unit 11 Distributing Handouts 資料發送方式
Unit 12 Introducing and Explaining Charts, Graphs, and Pictures 介紹並說明圖表
Unit 13 Explaining Trends 分析事實與數據
Unit 14 Definition and Restatement 闡述簡報相關定義並重申要點
Unit 15 Giving Examples 提供範例
Unit 16 Emphasizing Significant Points 強調重要論點
Unit 17 Contextualizing a Point 整合重點
Unit 18 Making a Point With a Rhetorical Question 用疑問帶出主題重點
Unit 19 Addressing the Audience 對聽眾直述重點
Unit 20 Listing Points 列出要點
Unit 21 Listing Points in a Specific Sequence 要點列出的順序
Unit 22 Linking the Parts of Your Presentation 連結簡報的各個部份
Unit 23 Signposting 標明主題
Unit 24 Making Predictions 對結果進行預測
Unit 25 Making Recommendations 向聽眾提供建議

Part 5 Phrases for Concluding Your Presentation 總結簡報的用語
Unit 26 Concluding With a Summary 用概述作結論
Unit 27 Inviting Questions and Responding to Them 邀請提問並加以回應
Unit 28 Saying Thank You and Goodbye 致謝並道別

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