讀李家同學英文4:竊聽者 | 拾書所


$ 197 元 原價 250
竊聽者The Eavesdroppers



Someone had bugged all our satellites, and the antennas of the bugging devices were pointing toward outer space!

The alien said that he and his colleagues were universal biology researchers. He apologized for eavesdropping on us, but said they were only gathering information—they meant no harm. The alien said he was a researcher from the zoology department of the Universal Academy of Biology specializing in the social behavior of animals.

Why was he so interested in human social behavior? The alien replied that despite being a type of animal, humans have a very unique characteristic: they kill each other on a large scale. He pointed out how lions and tigers, for example, will kill other animals but never their own kind. No one has ever seen a lion eating a lion—in other words, lions and tigers recognize their own kind.

He also said that …

李家同:我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看看中文文章,先不看英文的翻譯,然後試著將中文翻成英文,我相信你一定會覺得中翻英好困難。翻完以後,再去看英文翻譯,相信可以學到不少,也可以寫出越來越像外國人的句子。-- 李家同


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