圖解式英文句型+作文:Basic(附便利貼光碟) | 拾書所


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Part 1 句型篇
Chapter 1 生活事件描述
1-1 大自然 ─ 搭配文法:五大基本句型
1-1 Nature 大自然-春天時,麗莎喜歡到日本觀賞盛開的櫻花。
In spring, Lisa enjoys visiting Japan to see cherry blossoms in full bloom.

五大基本句型:主詞(S)+不及物動詞(Vi)/ 主詞(S)+及物動詞(Vt)+受詞(O)

1. 春天時,麗莎喜歡到日本觀賞盛開的櫻花。
In spring, Lisa enjoys visiting Japan to see cherry blossoms in full bloom.

2. 小朋友熱愛夏天,因為刺激的夏日活動帶給他們愉快的回憶。Children love summer because the exciting summer activities bring them pleasant memories.

1. 「In spring, Lisa enjoys visiting Japan to see cherry blossoms in full
‧ 說明:主詞 + 及物動詞 + 受詞 (S + Vt + O)。及物動詞,要接受詞。enjoy在句中接動名詞visiting做為受詞。
‧ 其他例句:
Willow trees around the pond (S) provide (Vt) shade and breeze (O).

2. 「Children love summer because the exciting summer activities bring them pleasant memories.」此句用到基本句型4:
‧ 說明:主詞 + 及物動詞 + 間接受詞(人) + 直接受詞(物)(S + Vt + IO + DO)。及物動詞後接兩個受詞:「間接受詞」,人,及「直接受詞」,事物者,即一般所謂的「授與動詞」。
‧ 其他例句:
The air from the cold winter time (S) gave (Vt) Richard (IO) refreshing feelings (DO).

‧ 基本句型1:主詞(S) +不及物動詞(Vi) +(副詞)(adv)
The warm sun hangs high in the blue sky in hot summer days.

‧ 基本句型2:主詞(S) +不及物動詞(Vi) +主詞補語(SC)
The air at the lake seemed soft and cheerful.

‧ 基本句型5:主詞(S) +及物動詞(Vt) +受詞(O) +受詞補語 (OC)
After the rain, we found beautiful rainbows spreading all the way across the sky.

1. blossom n. 花朵;花簇
2. memory n. 記憶;回憶
3. willow n. 柳樹;柳木
4. provide v. 提供;供給
5. breeze n. 微風;和風
6. refreshing adj. 提神的;清涼的
7. hang v. 懸掛;吊掛
8. cheerful adj. 高興的;令人愉快的
9. rainbow n. 虹;彩虹
10. spread v. 伸展;延伸

Part 2 圖解應用篇
1-1 應徵「導遊」英文自傳結合「大自然生活描述」句型應用

‧應徵職業(Applying Job)
A Tour Guide 導遊

‧家庭背景與影響 (Family Background and Influences)Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature with my family. 家中有四名成員,我常與家人接近大自然。

‧教育與工作經驗(Education and Working Experiences)Before finishing all the major courses, I used to coach summer camps as part-time jobs. 我在修完所有主修課程前,過去常常兼差指導夏令營。

‧興趣與技能(Interests and Skills)
I love traveling and making friends, and I’m a licensed tour guide mastering several foreign languages. 我熱愛旅遊及交友,並且是精通數國外語、領有執照的導遊。

‧態度與期許(Attitudes and Expectations)
Being optimistic and responsible, I hope to fulfill my dreams of traveling and helping tourists enjoy their trips. 樂觀負責的我希望能實現旅遊及幫助觀光客享受旅程的夢想。


1. 「Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature
with my family.」 說明應徵者的家庭背景對他日後喜愛旅遊產生

2. 「Before finishing all the major courses, I used to coach summer camps as part-time jobs.」 此部份強調應徵者大學教育與打工經驗兼具。

3. 「I love traveling and making friends, and I’m a licensed tour guide mastering several foreign languages.」興趣與技能兩者的結合有益工作的進行。

4. 「Being optimistic and responsible, I hope to fulfill my dreams of traveling and helping tourists enjoy their trips.」態度與期許的強調作為結論,企盼能由此成功求職。


英文自傳 便利貼光碟 1-1 Tips:實線和虛線是可以替換的地方,虛線同時也是單元重要句型,套色處結合Part 1句型文法的應用,整合式學習拓展作能力!
An Autobiography

I am Henry Li, aged twenty-five. Born into a family of four members, I often get close to nature with my family. As nature-lovers, my parents often took my brother and me to go on short trips in the countryside when we were little. So, I have become fond of traveling around whenever possible.

I consider myself lucky to major in Tourism in college. Before finishing all the major courses, I used to coach summer camps as part-time jobs. During those hot summer days, I enjoyed swimming in the lake, climbing mountains, and going on hikes with young children.

I am humorous, passionate, and communicative. I love traveling and making friends, and I’m a licensed tour guide mastering several foreign languages. I am good at English, Japanese, and Korean. After diligent studying, I have got the certificate of tour guide and am now an official licensed tour guide. Furthermore, I always work energetically.

I hold positive attitudes toward life. Being optimistic and responsible, I hope to fulfill my dreams of traveling and helping tourists enjoy their trips. I am completing my military service this July and I want to become a top-notch tour guide. I will see the wonderful world myself and bring happiness and knowledge to tourists while showing them the natural scenery and historic relics all over the world.





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