City of Dragons: Rain Wilds Chronicles 雨野原傳奇3: 巨龍高城 | 拾書所

City of Dragons: Rain Wilds Chronicles 雨野原傳奇3: 巨龍高城

$ 280 元 原價 280

New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb returns to world of the Rain Wilds—called “one of the most gripping settings in modern fantasy” (Booklist)—in City of Dragons. Continuing the enthralling journey she began in her acclaimed Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven, Hobb rejoins a small group of weak, half-formed and unwanted dragons and their displaced human companions as they search for a legendary sanctuary.

Now, as the misfit band approaches its final destination, dragons and keepers alike face a challenge so insurmountable that it threatens to render their long, difficult odyssey utterly meaningless. Touching, powerful, and dazzlingly inventive, Hobb’s City of Dragons is not to be missed—further proof that this author belongs alongside Raymond E. Feist, Terry Brooks, and Lois McMaster Bujold in the pantheon of fantasy fiction’s true greats.

《紐約時報》暢銷書作者蘿萍.赫普將以新作《City of Dragon》帶領讀者重返《Rain Wilds》的世界!《Booklist》評論將《Rain Wilds》稱為「最扣人心弦的現代奇幻小說之一」;接續廣受歡迎的前作《Dragon Keeper》與《Dragon Haven》中的精彩旅程,赫普再次刻劃一群被遺棄的虛弱幼龍和牠們流離失所的人類夥伴,以及他們前往尋找傳說中庇護所的冒險旅程。

現在,就在這個奇妙組合要到達終點之際,龍族與主人遭遇一場難以克服的挑戰,受到的威脅足以讓他們長久以來的辛苦化為烏有。感人、震撼且極富創意,赫普的《City of Dragon》著實不容錯過,在在證明她足以和雷蒙.E.費斯特、泰瑞.布魯克斯與洛.麥克麥斯特.布鳩名列奇幻小說大師之林。

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