Chinese New Year! (Create and Celebrate) (50 Stickers) | 拾書所

Chinese New Year! (Create and Celebrate) (50 Stickers)

$ 245 元 原價 245

Celebrated every year starting in January or February, the Chinese New Year is a happy, fun festival that children will love learning all about. This joyful little book is jam-packed with puzzles and activities to complete, more than 50 stickers to use, and festive decorations to make. Kids will also find oodles of doodles, a charming storybook, super stencils, quizzes and puzzles, and lots more to keep them entertained while they discover many exciting things about this fascinating celebration.

每年一月或二月是慶祝中國新年的日子。中國新年總是喜氣洋洋、充滿樂趣,孩子們一定樂於學習有關這個節日的所有知識。這本有趣的小書充滿各種謎題與活動,除了附上 50 多張貼紙,還能讓孩子們製作充滿節慶氣息的裝飾品。本書提供空白著色畫、引人入勝的故事、超棒的繪畫模板、小測驗和謎題,以及許許多多精彩有趣的活動,讓孩子能夠在玩樂中學習有關這個迷人節日的所有知識。


 Age Range: 4 - 7 years

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