30 Graphic Organizers for Reading Grades 3-5 (Enhanced eBook)(電子書) | 拾書所

30 Graphic Organizers for Reading Grades 3-5 (Enhanced eBook)(電子書)

  • 出版社: SED
  • 編號: GDS20160106165740SXK
$ 1,900 元 原價 1,900
If you're tired of using the same old organizers in every lesson, this new series is perfect for you. Each graphic organizer is explained in detail, and comes with reproducible pages that can be printed out for individual work, made into transparencies, or shown on your interactive whiteboard. Model lessons are provided for each one.

This enhanced eBook gives you the freedom to copy and paste the content of each page into the format that fits your needs. You can post lessons on your class website, make student copies, and more.



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