Freckle Juice: An Instructional Guide for Literature(電子書) | 拾書所

Freckle Juice: An Instructional Guide for Literature(電子書)

$ 644 元 原價 644
Introduce students to this classic story about a boy, Andrew, who will try anything to get just one freckle! Young readers will be intrigued and eager to analyze Andrew's struggle and determination to develop freckles in this humorous story by completing fun, challenging activities and lessons provided in this instructional guide for literature. This guide is the perfect tool to aid students in analyzing and comprehending this playful story. Appealing and challenging cross-curricular lessons and activities incorporate research-based literacy skills to help students become thorough readers. These lessons and activities work in conjunction with the text to teach students how to analyze and comprehend story elements in multiple ways, practice close reading and text-based vocabulary, determine meaning through text-dependent questions, and much more.


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