History of Civilization - The Industrial Revolution (Enhanced eBook) **Sale Price $6.27 - Regular Price $8.95 **(電子書) | 拾書所

History of Civilization - The Industrial Revolution (Enhanced eBook) **Sale Price $6.27 - Regular Price $8.95 **(電子書)

$ 238 元 原價 238
The Industrial Revolution (1760 - 1870) covers the century of extraordinary inventiveness and unprecedented industrial and economic growth which began in mid-18th-century England and spread throughout Europe and the United States. Notable inventions discussed include the steam engine - which revolutionized transportation and international commerce - and the spinning jenny, which led to the mechanization of textile production and the development of the factory system. Special emphasis is given to the dramatic social, political, and economic effects of industrialization including its ill effects on family life and the birth of socialism. Challenging map exercises and provocative review questions encourage meaningful reflection and historical analysis. Tests and answer keys included.

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