The Blood Gospel: The Order of the Sanguines Series #1 血修會 #1: 聖血福音書 | 拾書所

The Blood Gospel: The Order of the Sanguines Series #1 血修會 #1: 聖血福音書

$ 350 元 原價 350

★ 本書被譽為《達文西密碼》加上《夜訪吸血鬼》,HarperCollins集團以375萬美金天價簽下,美國一出版旋即空降紐約時報排行榜。





《聖血福音書》(The Blood Gospel)所獲好評:

「承襲丹‧布朗風格,令人身歷其境。兩位作家功力深厚。」-《科克斯書評》(Kirkus Reviews)
「喜好安‧萊絲(《夜訪吸血鬼》作者)、丹‧布朗(《達文西密碼》作者)以及賽門‧湯恩(《聖堡預言》作者)的讀者等待的就是這部作品:從故事一開始就善用時間線營造出懸疑氣氛,人物持續帶來驚喜,餘韻十足的結尾令讀者迫不及待想拿到第二部。」-《學校圖書館期刊》(School Library Journal)
「《聖血福音書》不只必讀,錯過它是個罪過!」-《懸疑雜誌》(Suspense Megazine)
「宗教陰謀與另一流行主題的混搭。本書故事精彩,導致書評連大綱都沒辦法透露。」-《華盛頓郵報》(Washiington Post)

「這本哥德風小說會令吸血鬼小說愛好者狂喜狂嚎……讀者一打開這本書就停不下來,充滿濃濃電影味,登上大銀幕指日可待!」-《時信線上出版》(Times Publishing Online)

「故事天衣無縫接合現代科技、歷史懸案與超自然現象,故事在大家熟悉的世界末日上又充滿獨特創意,角色生動深刻又討喜。」-《浪漫時代》(Romantic Times)

An earthquake in Masada, Israel, kills hundreds and reveals a tomb buried in the heart of the mountain. A trio of investigators--Sergeant Jordan Stone, a military forensic expert; Father Rhun Korza, a Vatican priest; and Dr. Erin Granger, a brilliant but disillusioned archaeologist--are sent to explore the macabre discovery, a subterranean temple holding the crucified body of a mummified girl. But a brutal attack at the site sets the three on the run, thrusting them into a race to recover what was once preserved in the tomb's sarcophagus: a book rumored to have been written by Christ's own hand, a tome that is said to hold the secrets to His divinity. The enemy who hounds them is like no other, a force of ancient evil directed by a leader of impossible ambitions and incalculable cunning. From crumbling tombs to splendorous churches, Erin and her two companions must confront a past that traces back thousands of years, to a time when ungodly beasts hunted the dark spaces of the world, to a moment in history when Christ made a miraculous offer, a pact of salvation for those who were damned for eternity. Here is a novel that is explosive in its revelation of a secret history. Why do Catholic priests wear pectoral crosses? Why are they sworn to celibacy? Why do the monks hide their countenances under hoods? And why does Catholicism insist that the consecration of wine during Mass results in its transformation to Christ's own blood? The answers to all go back to a secret sect within the Vatican, one whispered as rumor but whose very existence was painted for all to see by Rembrandt himself, a shadowy order known simply as the Sanguines.

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