Ghost Boy 月亮的孩子 | 拾書所

Ghost Boy 月亮的孩子

$ 280 元 原價 280

Harold Kline is an albino—an outcast. Folks stare and taunt, calling him Ghost Boy. It’s been that way for all of his 14 years. So when the circus comes to town, Harold runs off to join it.

Full of colorful performers, the circus seems like the answer to Harold’s loneliness. He’s eager to meet the Cannibal King, a sideshow attraction who’s an albino, too. He’s touched that Princess Minikin and the Fossil Man, two other sideshow curiosities, embrace him like a son. He’s in love with Flip, the pretty and beguiling horse trainer, and awed by the all-knowing Gypsy Magda. Most of all, Harold is proud of training the elephants, and of earning respect and a sense of normalcy. Even at the circus, though, two groups exist—the freaks, and everyone else.

Harold straddles both groups. But fitting in comes at a price, and Harold must recognize the truth beneath what seems apparent before he can find a place to call home.


Harold Kline(哈羅德)是一個白化病人 - 一個被拋棄的人。人們盯著並嘲諷,稱他為鬼男孩。這14年來一直如此。所以當馬戲團來到小鎮時,Harold會跑去加入它。

充滿了色彩繽紛的表演者,馬戲團似乎是哈羅德寂寞的答案。 他渴望見到Cannibal King,這也是一個白化的吸引力。 他感動了公主Minikin和Fossil Man,另外兩個側面的好奇心,像一個兒子一樣擁抱他。 他愛上了漂亮而迷人的馬匹教練Flip,並且被全知的Gypsy Magda所震撼。 最重要的是,哈羅德為訓練大象,獲得尊重和正常感而自豪。 然而,即使在馬戲團,也存在兩個群體 - 怪人和其他所有人。

哈羅德橫跨這兩個群體之間。 但是,找到合適他的一個身份是必須付出代價,哈羅德必須認識到在他找到一個可以稱之為家的地方之前他必須面對的事實。



Age Range: 12 years +

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