Smoky Night 煙霧迷漫的夜晚 | 拾書所

Smoky Night 煙霧迷漫的夜晚

$ 280 元 原價 280
★ 美國凱迪克金牌獎

Eve Bunting’s heartfelt story and David Diaz’s dramatic illustrations create a compelling child’s-eye view of urban violence. A young boy and his mother are forced to flee their apartment during a night of rioting in Los Angeles. Fires and looting force neighbors—who have always avoided one another—to come together in the face of danger and concern for their missing pets. David Diaz was awarded the Caldecott Medal for his bold acrylic paint and photo-collage illustrations.

伊芙.邦婷動人的故事和 David Diaz 充滿戲劇張力的插畫,勾勒出一名孩童眼中的都市暴力,極具說服力。洛杉磯夜晚一場暴動,小男孩和媽媽被迫逃離公寓住所。大火和趁亂洗劫迫使平時彼此疏離的鄰居團結一心,共同面對危險和關心走失的寵物。 David Diaz 的插畫運用鮮豔的壓克力顏料和相片拼貼,榮獲美國凱迪克童書大獎殊榮。

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