Step into Reading 3: Arthur in New York | 拾書所

Step into Reading 3: Arthur in New York

$ 140 元 原價 140

WHEN ARTHUR AND D.W. travel to New York City with their parents, they visit the Statue of Liberty, a museum, and they even see a Broadway show! But D.W. is most excited about visiting Mary Moo-Cow Palace with her Mary Moo-Cow doll. When D.W. doesn’t follow her parents’ rule and goes off by herself, the family must find her. Luckily, Arthur knows just where to find D.W.—Mary Moo-Cow Palace, of course!

亞瑟和 D.W. 一家人去紐約旅遊時,參觀了自由女神像、博物館,還欣賞了百老匯歌劇表演呢!不過對於 D.W. 而言,她最感興趣的仍是帶著她的娃娃瑪莉牛參觀瑪莉牛宮殿。就在 D.W. 違反家人的約束而獨自離開時,她的家人必須找到她。幸好亞瑟知道上哪兒找她,當然是去瑪莉牛宮殿啊!

 Age Range: 5 - 8 years

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