The energetic narrator of Me Counting Time and Me on the Map is back, this time introducing young readers to the units of measure. What’s the difference between a cup and an ounce? What gets measured in bushels and when do you use a scale?
Easy-to-understand text and playful corresponding illustrations teach children the differences between wet and dry measurements, weight, size, and length.
And all information is conveyed in a unique kid’s-eye perspective, using everyday objects and situations. Me and the Measure of Things makes measurement fun–and comprehensible!
《Me Counting Time》與《Me on the Map》系列中活力四射的主角又回來了!這次將為年輕讀者介紹度量單位。一杯與一盎司的差別在哪裡?蒲式耳適用於測量什麼?何時需要使用秤呢?
書本內容專為小朋友量身打造,以日常生活常見的物品與情況為主。《Me and the Measure of Things》讓認識度量單位變得有趣且容易理解!
Age Range: 4 - 8 years