Cosmic Love 宇宙之愛 | 拾書所

Cosmic Love 宇宙之愛

$ 498 元 原價 630
●占星大師珍.史匹勒繼《靈魂占星》又一探索親密關係力作 ● 結合心理學與靈魂演化論,闡釋當代占星學的深刻內涵 ●從星盤的南北月交點分析前世今生的心理癥結 ●提供建立∕改變∕修補∕轉化親密關係的關鍵秘訣 ●你是否曾對某段關係有種莫名的親切感? 你們彼此是靈魂伴侶還是業力伴侶? 初見面時一見如故還是格格不入? 你相信今生的相遇是為了過去的約定嗎? 如何在今生透過某種交流互動,讓雙方靈魂共同獲得療癒? 以上種種困惑,本書中都有詳細的說明,而「愛」,則是一切終極的答案。 ●In this powerful guide, astrology expert Jan Spiller shows you how the practical science of astrology can lead to real-life results in the realm of intimate relationships. Moving beyond the commonly known sun-sign profiles, Spiller delves into the meanings and mysteries of your personal North Node—the vital point where the orbits of the earth, moon, and sun intersect—to help you bring love into your life. For more than thirty years, she has studied how the effects of the Nodes of the Moon help us steer our life force in positive ways, accept the possibilities the universe has placed in our path, and stop sabotaging relationships. By locating the position of your North Node, which can be found in the chart provided, and the house in which it falls in an important relationship, Spiller helps you discover the astrological, psychological, and spiritual tools to: ? Learn the secrets to open up intamacy and enjoy satisfying, lifelong romance
? Move beyond old hurts that can tear a relationship apart
? Allow others to be themselves–and not try to change them
? Experiment with new ways of interacting in important relationships
? Discover what gifts your partner brings to you–and what gifts you bring to your partner
? Navigate the energy of pastlife connections

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