Criminal | 拾書所


$ 280 元 原價 280
●Will Trent is a brilliant agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Newly in love, he is beginning to put a difficult past behind him. Then a local college student goes missing, and Will is inexplicably kept off the case by his supervisor and mentor, deputy director Amanda Wagner. Will cannot fathom Amanda’s motivation until the two of them literally collide in an abandoned orphanage they have both been drawn to for different reasons. Decades before, when his father was imprisoned for murder, this was Will’s home. It appears that the case that launched Amanda’s career forty years ago has suddenly come back to life—and it involves the long-held mystery of Will’s birth and parentage. Now these two dauntless investigators will each need to face down demons from the past if they are to prevent an even greater terror from being unleashed.
●威爾.崔特(Will Trent)是喬治亞州調查局的頂尖探員。甫墜愛河的他,決定把不愉快的過去通通拋諸腦後。但是過沒多久,就發生了一椿當地大學生失蹤案,令人費解的是,與威爾亦師亦友的調查局副局長亞曼達.瓦格爾(Amanda Wagner)卻刻意不讓他經手此案件。威爾想不透亞曼達的動機,但當他們不約而同在一間廢棄的孤兒院偶遇時,他才恍然大悟。數十年前,威爾的父親因謀殺罪名入獄,這間孤兒院就成了威爾的家,而這次的失蹤案,彷彿四十年前讓亞曼達開始平步青雲的那樁案件重演,再次牽扯出威爾身世之謎。現在,他們兩位無畏的探員必須各自堅強面對過往惡夢,才能阻止更加可怕的災難發生……

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