Why You Shouldn’t Eat Your Boogers (Ages: 8-12) | 拾書所

Why You Shouldn’t Eat Your Boogers (Ages: 8-12)

$ 315 元 原價 315
●Itching to know what bugs live in your eyelashes, why you get goose bumps, or how ants can be used to heal a wound? Use this delightfully disgusting collection of kid-tastic facts to gross out your friends and relatives. In this abridged edition of the adult bestseller, readers will laugh, cringe and squirm over tons of bizarre facts about the human body. ●想知道睫毛中住著什麼蟲嗎?想知道為何起雞皮疙瘩呢?還是想知道如何用螞蟻治療傷口?本書蒐羅的知識絕對能讓你們會心一笑,快用這本噁心巴啦的書把嚇嚇你的親朋好友吧!本書由成人暢銷書改編而成,書中那些關於人體的古怪知識保證讓你捧腹大笑,甚至感到害怕或是坐立難安。


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