Speak Real English (Book+MP3+Student’s Answer Sheet學生作答本) | 拾書所

Speak Real English (Book+MP3+Student’s Answer Sheet學生作答本)

$ 400 元 原價 400

Speak Real English是美式英語教材,適合已有基礎的初學者進修使用,全一冊,共分成25個單元。每個單元主題新穎有趣,先以圖片引導,以問答方式來學習常用的單字與片語,每單元後有問答寫作及填空練習,搭配MP3學習正確美式發音,同時訓練聽力,內容輕鬆有趣循序漸進帶領學生增進英語能力。

Speak Real English was designed for adult EFL learners who are ready to expand their vocabulary beyond the low-intermediate stage.

Speak Real English explores new vocabulary, idioms and phrases that are widely used by many native-born Americans.  Through a variety of entertaining dialogues, each of the 25 lessons give learners an opportunity to improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.  A better understanding of the vocabulary presented in this book should help equip learners to have more native-like conversations with speakers of English.

Before reading, learners are encouraged to look at the pictures and think about each of the questions under the pictures on the first two pages of each lesson.  This activity should be done as a class in a way that encourages learners to share knowledge and experiences related to each topic.

Reading the Dialogue
It is recommended that teachers lead the initial reading of each lesson so that learners have a chance to hear and imitate the correct intonation and pronunciation of each sentence.  Learners should be encouraged to circle unknown vocabulary or phrases.  Each dialogue should be read multiple times.

At the end of each dialogue, key vocabulary is glossed in a specially crafted format that encourages complete grammatical explanations of each item.

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