Gifts (12 and up) | 拾書所

Gifts (12 and up)

$ 280 元 原價 280
●Scattered among poor, desolate farms, the clans of the Uplands possess gifts. Wondrous gifts: the ability--with a glance, a gesture, a word--to summon animals, bring forth fire, move the land. Fearsome gifts: They can twist a limb, chain a mind, inflict a wasting illness. The Uplanders live in constant fear that one family might unleash its gift against another. Two young people, friends since childhood, decide not to use their gifts. One, a girl, refuses to bring animals to their death in the hunt. The other, a boy, wears a blindfold lest his eyes and his anger kill. ●歐普蘭家族散居在一座窮鄉僻壤的農村裡,每個族人都有一些特殊能力。有些神奇的特殊能力,只要一個眼神、一個手勢、一句話,就能把動物召喚過來、把火升起來,甚至讓地面移動;也有些能力很可怕,能輕而易舉地扭斷人的手腳、禁錮人的心靈、讓人病得骨瘦如柴。這樣的特殊能力,反而讓歐普蘭族人時時擔心被其他族人的特殊能力所害。有兩個年輕人從小一起長大,這對青梅竹馬決定不要使用他們的特異功能,女孩拒絕運用超能力來獵捕動物,男孩則是戴上眼罩,以免他的眼神或怒火會帶來殺戮。


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