Stink: Solar System Superhero #5 | 拾書所

Stink: Solar System Superhero #5

$ 280 元 原價 280
●Look! Up in the sky! Is it a falling leaf? A speck of dust? A speeding mosquito? No, it’s Stink Moody, Solar System Superhero! When Stink learns that Pluto has flunked out of the Milky Way for being too shrimpy, he feels like he might just explode with a Big Bang. He has no choice but to take a stand for the sake of little planets (and little people) everywhere. Will our humble hero, Stink Moody, be smart enough to defeat a panel of big-shot scientists? Will he be strong enough to beat know-it-all Riley Rottenberger and her "Team KPB"? Will Stink succeed in rescuing Pluto from a fate worse than being swallowed by a black hole? Start the countdown for a funny (and very informative) out-of-this-world adventure – and prepare to have your universe rocked!


●你看天上!那是落葉嗎?還是灰塵?難道是快速飛過的蚊子?都不是,那是太陽系的超級英雄史汀克.穆迪!聽說冥王星因為個頭太小而被趕出銀河系,史汀克氣到覺得自己快要「大爆炸」了,決定為它這樣的小星球(和其他小個子的人)出一口氣。大英雄史汀克.穆迪究竟能不能智取一票科學界大咖?還是會好好修理萬事通先生萊利.羅騰堡和他的「KPB 小組」?究竟史汀克能不能順利拯救冥王星,免得它落到那種比被黑洞吞噬還慘的下場?這場有趣又有意義的星際大迷航即將開始倒數計時,準備看史汀克在宇宙大鬧一場吧!

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