Runny Babbit | 拾書所

Runny Babbit

$ 665 元 原價 665
綠色森林的深處,在動物聚集玩耍的地方,他們說話的方式有些不一樣。別人說”purple hat”,他們卻說 “hurple pat”;大家說”feed the cat”他們硬要說成“ceed the fat”。故事的主角是叫做”Runny Babbit”的小兔子,和家人以及最好的朋友們Millie Woose(麋鹿威利)、Snerry Jake(蛇傑瑞)、Toe Jurtle(烏龜喬)、Goctor Doose(鵝醫師)、Bumping Jean(跳跳豆)和Skertie Gunk(臭鼬葛帝)在森林裡過著幸福快樂的日子。
這本充滿巧思的詩集雖然是2005出版的新書,卻是作者Shel Silverstein在1999年往生前,經過20年長期創作完成的作品。全書如同密碼般的文字遊戲,眼尖的讀者必然已發現,原來每個句子裡都有兩個單字母音前的子音被對調了。連最受歡迎的繪本’野獸國’的作者Maurice Sendak都讚嘆連連,恨不得能早一?寫出這樣的作品。

Runny Babbit is a groundbreaking insightful, witty, and wondrous as Shel Silverstein’s imagination
Runny Babbit lent to wunch 
And heard the saitress way, 
"We have some lovely stabbit rew -- 
Our Special for today."

From the legendary creator of Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and The Giving Tree comes an unforgettable new character in children's literature.
Welcome to the world of Runny Babbit and his friends Toe Jurtle, Skertie Gunk, Rirty Dat, Dungry Hog, Snerry Jake, and many others who speak a topsy-turvy language all their own.
So if you say, "Let's bead a rook 
That's billy as can se," 
You're talkin' Runny Babbit talk, 
Just like mim and he.

 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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