*Alex Rath Ph.D. 執筆,解說活潑,範例生動!
Chapter 1現在式
Chapter 2過去式
Chapter 3完成式
Chapter 4未來式
Chapter 5動詞
Chapter 6片語動詞
Chapter 7名詞
Chapter 8冠詞
Chapter 9量詞
Chapter 10代名詞
Chapter 11形容詞
Chapter 12副詞
Chapter 13情態動詞 (1)
Chapter 14情態動詞(2)
Chapter 15被動語態
Chapter 16假設語氣和條件句
Chapter 17間接語氣
Chapter 18不定詞和動名詞
Chapter 19句子的類型
Chapter 20關係子句
Chapter 21連接詞
Chapter 22地點和動作的介系詞
Chapter 23時間的介系詞
Chapter 24其他介系詞
1. 從基礎文法,到進階文法,內容最齊全!
2. 一頁文法,一頁練習,編排最方便學習!
3. 列點說明,好抓重點,學習最有效率!
4. 彩色圖解,幫助理解與記憶,學習無負擔!
5. 例句豐富,取材廣泛,內容最實用!
6. 採用表格,分析整理重點,解說最清楚!
7. 密集練習,反覆熟練文法,學了就不會忘!
Chapter 1 Present tenses
1 Introduction 動詞的時態介紹
2 Present simple tense 現在簡單式
3 Present continuous tense 現在進行式
4 Comparison between the present simple tense and the present continuous tense
5 Verbs not used in the continuous forms 不能用於進行式的動詞
6 Verbs used in the present simple and the present continuous with different meanings
Chapter 2 Past tenses
7 Simple past tense 過去簡單式
8 Irregular verbs 不規則動詞表
9 Past continuous tense 過去進行式
10 Comparison between the simple past and the past continuour tense
11 Continuous forms with "always" for expressing complaints
Chapter 3 Perfect tenses
12 Present perfect simple tense (1) 現在完成式(1)
13 Present perfect simple tense (2) 現在完成式(2)
14 Present perfect simple with some adverbs and prepositions
15 Comparison between the present perfect simple and the past simple (1)
16 Comparison between the present perfect simple and the past simple (2)
17 Present perfect continuous 現在完成進行式
18 Comparison between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect simple tense
(1) 現在完成進行式與現在完成式的比較(1)
19 Comparison between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect simple tense
(2) 現在完成進行式與現在完成式的比較(2)
20 Past perfect simple tense 過去完成式
21 Past perfect continuous tense 過去完成進行式
Chapter 4 Future tenses
22 Simple future "will" 簡單未來式will
23 "Be going to" for the future be going to表示未來意義的用法
24 Comparison between the simple future "will" and "be going to"
簡單未來式will和be going to的比較
25 Present continuous for the future and the comparison with "be going to"
現在進行式表示未來意義的用法以及與be going to的比較
26 Simple present for the future 現在簡單式表示未來意義的用法
27 Future continuous 未來進行式
28 Future perfect and future perfect continuous 未來完成式與未來完成進行式
Chapter 5 Verbs: essential usage
29 "Have" and "have got" have和have got的用法
30 "Have" for action have作行為動詞的用法
31 Be being be being的用法
32 Linking verbs 連綴動詞
33 Causative verbs: "make," "have," and "get" 使役動詞make、have和get的用法
34 "Let" for causation let 作為使役動詞的用法
Chapter 6 Phrasal verbs
35 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and separable 短語動詞:兩個字、及物、可分
36 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and nonseparable (1)
37 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and nonseparable (2)
38 Phrasal verbs: two words and intransitive 短語動詞:兩個字、不及物
39 Phrasal verbs: three words 短語動詞:由三個字組成
40 Phrasal verbs: usages with a little differentiation in meaning
Chapter 7 Nouns
41 Singular and plural nouns: regular 單數與複數名詞:規則名詞
42 Singular and plural nouns: irregular 單數與複數名詞:不規則名詞
43 Countable and uncountable nouns 可數與不可數名詞
44 List of common uncountable nouns 常見不可數名詞表
45 Nouns always in plural forms 只以複數形態出現的名詞
46 Counting an uncountable nouns 不可數名詞的計算
47 Proper nouns and collective nouns 專有名詞與集合名詞
48 Compound nouns 複合名詞
49 Possessive 's: forms 所有格「's」的構成方式
50 Possessive 's: use 所有格「's」的用法
51 "The . . . of . . ." for possession the . . . of . . .表示所有權的用法
Chapter 8 Articles
52 A, an 不定冠詞a、an
53 The 定冠詞the
54 Talking in general 「泛指」的用法
55 Expressions with "the" (1) 必須加the的情況(1)
56 Expressions with "the" (2) 必須加the的情況(2)
57 Expressions without "the" (1) 不須加the的情況(1)
58 Expressions without "the" (2) 不須加the的情況(2)
59 Place names with or without "the" 專有地名加the或不加the
60 Expressions with or without "the" with different meanings
Chapter 9 Quantity
61 Expressions for quantity 表示數量的用語
62 Indefinite pronouns for quantity 表示數量的不定代名詞
63 Indefinite pronouns with singular or plural verbs 不定代名詞該搭配單數動詞或複數動詞
64 "Some" and "any" some和any
65 "Many" and "much" many與much
66 "Few," and "little" few與little
67 Both both
68 "Either" and "neither" either與neither
69 All all
70 "All," "every," and "whole" all、every和whole
71 "No" and "none" no與none
72 "One" and "ones" one與ones
73 ndefinite pronouns with some-, any-, every-, no-