▌本系列讀物可作為Let's Go或其他系列的輔助教材,甚而可作為獨立教材。
暢銷全球的Let's Go出第三版 、 第四版 及第五版了!牛津大學編輯群依據市場老師的建議,透過問卷,親訪,不斷研究,反覆測試,保留第二版最受老師喜愛的特色,但調整第二版每冊之間的落差,增加字彙,以新編排的課程大綱,提供更好更廣的語言架構,全新的內頁設計和插圖,讓學生有更高的學習動機及學習成效。
▌Let's Go配件豐富,自修上課二相宜! 將每課所教授的教學重點融入歌曲中,由國際知名作曲家Carolyn Graham編寫生動活潑的歌曲,讓學生輕鬆朗朗上口,熟記所學。
▌內含Jazz Chants作者Carolyn Graham所編寫之生動活潑歌曲,學習英語變得更輕鬆有趣。
▌文法聽力活動本 (Grammar and Listening) 是專為台灣學生所設計,特別適合國小高年級要升國中的學生,同時另附有教師手冊及卡帶,提供更多元的練習機會。
▌各級數與全國兒童暨青少年英文分級檢定(STYLE&JET)對照:level 1~2適第一級,level 3適第二級,level 4~5適第三級,level 6適第四級。
Starter ---約242字
Level 1 ---約238字
Level 2 ---約315字
Level 3 ---約460字
Level 4 ---約526字
Level 5 ---約785字
Level 6 ---約775字
※『OUP兒童美語教材與劍橋兒童英檢YLE 級數對照表』 :此表包含三套牛津教材為Let's Go 第二版 、UP and AWAY in English、English Time。 看看對照表 Go>> 此表為pdf 檔案格式可供下載,請耐心等候!
A six-level course which combines a carefully-controlled grammatical syllabus with functional dialogues to produce practical, natural-sounding English.
How can it be used?
• To accompany Levels 1 and 2 of the Let's Go course.
• To accompany any beginner level course in American English.
Who is it for?
Children who are beginning to learn English.
Key features:
• It combines a carefully controlled grammatical syllabus with functional dialogues to produce practical, natural-sounding English.
• This second edition follows the same syllabus as the first edition, but features an updated design and colorful new artwork.
• Classroom interaction in English is encouraged from the beginning through a focus on question and answer forms, dialogues, pairwork exercises and communicative games.
• Songs and chants by Carolyn Graham, the well-known song writer and creator of Jazz Chants greatly add to the appeal of the course.
• Systematic reading and phonics work provide reading skills development.
• Listening tests in every unit provide built-in unit review.
• A Starter level introduces the alphabet, basic phonics, and simple language structures with special appeal to pre-school and kindergarten children.
• A wealth of support material accompanies the course.