Ashes to Ashes夜火之燼 | 拾書所

Ashes to Ashes夜火之燼

$ 280 元 原價 280
●He performs his profane ceremony in a wooded Minneapolis park, anointing his victims, then setting the bodies ablaze. He has already claimed three lives, and he won't stop there. Only this time there is a witness. But she isn't talking.
Enter Kate Conlan, former FBI agent turned victim/witness advocate. Not even she can tell if the reluctant witness is a potential victim or something more troubling still. Her superiors are interested only because the latest victim may be the daughter of Peter Bondurant, an enigmatic billionaire. When he pulls strings, Special Agent John Quinn gets assigned to the case. But the FBI's ace profiler of serial killers is the last person Kate wants to work with, not with their troubled history. Now she faces the most difficult role of her career—and her life. For she's the only woman who has what it takes to stop the killer...and the one woman he wants next.
In the darkness a match is struck. Not for heat, not for light...but to ignite the fire of a killer. He leaves nothing behind but ashes...and the ice-cold certainty that he will strike again. ●身為聯邦調查局的犯罪側寫員,約翰.昆恩總是在跟罪犯鬥智,分析並深入他們瘋狂的心理,然後將之狠狠揪出。 ●「焚屍者」,一個犯下明尼亞波里市連續三起殺人案的可怕兇手。他獵殺妓女,手法殘虐,更以焚燒屍體的儀式作結。但,只有第三名被害者是個例外──企業鉅子邦杜倫的獨生女吉莉安。

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