Pocket Business Italian Dictionary (第三版) (2003) | 拾書所

Pocket Business Italian Dictionary (第三版) (2003)

$ 400 元 原價 400
●This invaluable range of fully bilingual business dictionaries offers comprehensive coverage of business terms in a convenient pocket-sized dictionary. Each gives accurate translations of 5,500 business terms covering all aspects of business practice from contracts to the stock exchange, invoices and office equipment. In addition, the Pocket Italian Business Dictionary includes sample business letters and business e-mails in both English and Italian showing the correct ways to address and end a business letter or e-mail in the different language, and when to use forms such as ‘Yours faithfully’ and ‘Yours sincerely’. ●• Cover all aspects of business, from office practice, the stock market and international trading to accounting practice and marketing terminology
• Ideal for business travellers and those who need a quick-reference source for the office
• Ideal for students of business and modern languages

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