The Twelve | 拾書所

The Twelve

$ 315 元 原價 315
●In the present day, as the man-made apocalypse unfolds, three strangers navigate the chaos. Lila, a doctor and an expectant mother, is so shattered by the spread of violence and infection that she continues to plan for her child’s arrival even as society dissolves around her. Kittridge, known to the world as “Last Stand in Denver,” has been forced to flee his stronghold and is now on the road, dodging the infected, armed but alone and well aware that a tank of gas will get him only so far. April is a teenager fighting to guide her little brother safely through a landscape of death and ruin. These three will learn that they have not been fully abandoned—and that in connection lies hope, even on the darkest of nights. ●三位素昧平生的人身陷這個人類自我毀滅、混亂無比的世界,努力尋找出路。莉拉醫師臨盆在即,因暴力與疾病的肆虐而憂心忡忡,儘管整個社會分崩離析,仍盡力做好準備以迎接寶寶的到來;人稱「丹佛的最後一道防線」的克奇區,也被迫逃離據點,到處躲避受染病的人們,雖然全副武裝,但他知道自己形單影隻,僅有的汽油也即將用罄;少女艾波兒則是帶領弟弟,但求平安逃離死亡與毀滅的威脅。而這三人將會發現自己不是單打獨鬥,即使在漆黑的夜裡,彼此的相遇仍會帶來一絲希望的曙光。


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