The Saga of Darren Shan 2: The Vampire's Assistant 向達倫大冒險 2 : 鬼不理的助手 | 拾書所

The Saga of Darren Shan 2: The Vampire's Assistant 向達倫大冒險 2 : 鬼不理的助手

$ 300 元 原價 300

Darren Shan has been made a half-vampire by Mr Crepsley, but the Cirque Du Freak holds more unpleasant surprises for the vampire’s assistant.

Darren joins the vampire, Mr Crepsley, as his assistant and they return to the Cirque Du Freak. There, Darren makes friends with the snake-boy, Evra Von (who knows what Darren is) and a local boy, Sam, and RV, an eco-warrior and animal lover (who do not).

Darren begins to enjoy his life among the Cirque performers as the youngest half-vampire in existence, but he defiantly refuses to drink human blood – the whole idea sickens him – and he tries desperately to cling on to the part of him which is human.

Darren comes face to face with pure evil in the form of Mr Tiny, the leader of the Little People who join the Cirque Du Freak, and who eat anything – including human flesh.

When he discovers animal bones, RV frees the wolf-man from his cage – and no-one could possibly guess how truly terrible the whole effect would be.

Darren Shan變成吸血鬼之後,便開始學習如何當個稱職的吸血鬼,他很快地成為Mr. Crepsley的助手,不久後,他發現自己並不喜歡當吸血鬼。

當他們回到怪奇馬戲團,Darren Shan成為馬戲團的工作人員之一,並且交了Evra Von、Sam、RV等好朋友。好不容易適應了馬戲團的生活之後,但是為了餵食狼人和小矮人,卻引發了馬戲團最大的危機……

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