朗文實用英語慣用語詞典(膠裝袖珍本) | 拾書所


$ 400 元 原價 400
●適合:初級至中級程度日常需使用英語的人士 Suitability: Users of English at beginning to intermediate level ●把 'I feel frightened!' 說成 'I get cold feet!' ,把 'He always shifts responsibility!' 說成 'He always passes the buck!' 不是生動有趣得多嗎? 本詞典提供 2,200 個慣用語,參照條目2,500多條,如英語成語、片語動詞等,利用簡單例句,為你一一說明生活化英語的用法。 ●每條詞目均附例句,文字簡明易懂,採用對話形式,便於應用。 ●Is it more impressive to say 'I get cold feet!' instead of 'I feel frightened!', or 'he always passes the buck' instead of 'he always shifts responsibility'? This dictionary provides 2,200 entries of idiomatic English, such as English idioms and phrasal verbs, which are vital components of basic English. Explanations and example sentences are given in both English and Chinese, written in simple language for easy understanding.


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