Charlotte’s Web 夏綠蒂的網 (在台印製) | 拾書所

Charlotte’s Web 夏綠蒂的網 (在台印製)

$ 160 元 原價 160
●E. B. White 的文筆生動流暢,使平凡的語言忽然活躍起來,本書的文字風格平易中透著幽默與溫馨,值得學習寫作者參考。且看知名兒童文學作家子敏先生對 White 的評價:「我對懷特的讚美是:『一個懂得運用語言的作家。』」
教育工作者對 White 作品的評價:「對怯於幻想而可能喪失創造力的孩子,他的作品能幫助他們在雲端翻筋斗,扶那孩子一把,讓他們能循著彩虹爬上空中的閣樓。」
●《夏綠蒂的網》一個富有同情心的小女孩 Fern ,一隻出生時發育不良的小豬仔 Wilbur ,還有美麗善良又能「寫字」的灰蜘蛛 Charlotte 、機伶又好吃的老鼠 Templeton ,以及農場上的動物們......,他們湊在一塊兒時會發生什麼有趣的事呢?
●美國散文名家 E. B. White 以平易近人的文筆,帶領讀者們--無論小朋友或是大朋友--進入一連串精彩動人的小故事中:小女孩 Fern 從爸爸的斧下救出天生弱小的 Wilbur ,經過悉心的養育,一天天成長茁壯。 Fern 、 Charlotte 和 Templeton 屢施巧計,不但使 Wilbur 免於被宰殺,還可以參加「豬公大賽」呢!
●" Although Stuart Little may be listed as a children's book, and children will undoubtedly be the excuse for getting it into the house, it is for all ages, all shapes and sizes of readers who like the light fantastic tone.... The humorous, wise quality found in E. B. White's other work is reflected here in miniature. "-----Saturday Review.
●" This book cannot really be compared to any other masterpiece of children's literature. It stands on its own merits. I will draw attention only to the fact that collaboration so perfect between artist and author has not been reached since E. H. Shepard illustrated The Wind in the Willows, and that in both books the difficulty of adjusting differences in size has been triumphantly overcome. Also the facial expressions of Stuart Little are such that with all his mouseness he is never mousy. He is at home in a man's world, dreams and all. "-----May Lamberton Becker, New York Herald Tribune

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