Bleachers | 拾書所


$ 255 元 原價 255

●Neely Crenshaw是當時耀眼的四分後衛,十五年後,當一切光榮的日子逐漸消逝,他再度回到故鄉參加教練 Eddie Rake的葬禮。Eddi Rake是一位訓練嚴格,並一手讓球隊成名的教練,也是讓Neely又愛又恨的教練。在葬禮期間,Neely和其他隊友也再次回到球場上回憶過去的一切,Neely也因此對人生有一番新的體認。
「Bleachers」是 John Grisham 根據自己高中參加橄欖球隊的經驗所寫下的作品,主角Neely Crenshaw,因橄欖球隊生涯讓他成名,但是之後的歷練與人性的衝突才是更引以為戒的!
Bleachers is a novel of high school football, a legendary coach and the perils of too early fame. Fifteen years after graduation, Neely Crenshaw, one-time star quarterback of the Messina Spartans, returns home on hearing news of the impending death of tough-as-nails coach Eddie Rake, a man both loved and feared by his players. Neely struggles to reconcile his conflicted feelings towards his former coach, and he assays to rekindle love in the ex-girlfriend he abandoned long ago. For Messina and for Neely, the homecoming offers the prospect of building a life after Rake.

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