Dicey’s Song (The Tillerman Cycle 2) 孤女悲歌 | 拾書所

Dicey’s Song (The Tillerman Cycle 2) 孤女悲歌

$ 245 元 原價 245
★ 美國紐伯瑞兒童文學金牌獎

The four Tillerman children finally have a home at their grandmother's rundown farm on the Maryland shore. It's what Dicey has dreamed of for her three younger siblings, but after watching over the others for so long, it's hard to let go. Who is Dicey, if she's no longer the caretaker for her family?

Dicey finds herself in new friends, in a growing relationship with her grandmother, and in the satisfaction of refinishing the old boat she found in the barn. Then, as Dicey experiences the trials and pleasures of making a new life, the past comes back with devastating force, and Dicey learns just how necessary -- and painful -- letting go can be.

外婆位於馬里蘭州湖畔的破舊農場,讓舵手的 4 名孩子終於有了家,這也是黛西為她的三個弟妹期盼已久的家。然而黛西因長期照顧弟妹而難以放手,若黛西不再是家中的監護者,那黛西到底是誰?

 Age Range: 10 years up

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