Readers’ Theater: Grade 4 (EMC 3309) (144頁) | 拾書所

Readers’ Theater: Grade 4 (EMC 3309) (144頁)

$ 525 元 原價 525
The 15 read-aloud scripts in Readers’ Theater, Grade 4 give you all the enrichment of traditional theater productions without the logistical headaches of staging, props, and costumes. Refer to the Readers’ Theater Table of Contents to see how you can connect each of the 15 read-aloud scripts to key content from the Grade 5 curriculum. Some of the scripts included are: · “Louis Pasteur”-a scientist serving humanity · “Keelboat Annie”-African American traditions · “How Coyote Brought Fire to the People”-A Native American legend · “Sojourner Truth: A Life Devoted to Justice” -African American traditions · “The Story of the Chestnut Tree”-a possible environmental disaster · Many more


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