When Sophie Gets Angry 菲菲生氣了非常非常的生氣 | 拾書所

When Sophie Gets Angry 菲菲生氣了非常非常的生氣

$ 280 元 原價 280

★ 美國凱迪克銀牌獎
★ 夏洛特‧佐羅托童書獎
★ 吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單

This Caldecott Honor book tells the tale of Sophie, a preschooler who gets very mad when her sister snatches her toy.

The simple story and vibrant illustrations explore how Sophie reacts to -- and recovers from -- her heated emotions, offering a springboard for discussion about feelings with your child.



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