I Can Read 3: The 18 Penny Goose | 拾書所

I Can Read 3: The 18 Penny Goose

$ 138 元 原價 175

★ 汪培珽《培養孩子的英文耳朵》推薦書單

The British are coming! The American Revolution is being fought in the hills around Letty Wright's family's farm, and the Wrights must flee to safety. There is no time for Letty to bring Solomon the gander. Letty hopes the British don't hurt Solomon, but hungry soldiers aren't known for their kindness.

Eight-year-old Letty tries the only thing she can think of to save himand is as surprised as the other colonists when it works. Based on a remarkable, true story, this unusual tale will linger in the minds of all who read it.

 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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