Nate The Great San Francisco Detective #22 | 拾書所

Nate The Great San Francisco Detective #22

$ 179 元 原價 210

Nate, the great detective, and his dog, Sludge, are off to San Francisco! They're going to visit Nate's cousin Olivia Sharp. She's a detective too, and a very busy one.

So busy she sends her chauffeur and limo to greet Nate and Sludge at the airport. Olivia isn't around to solve her case number 22. Her client, Duncan, has lost his joke book. He tells Nate that if the book isn't found-and soon-the world will come to an end.

Nate takes the case. He and Sludge cruise up and down and around San Francisco in the limo, tracking down clues. Sticky, icky clues, big and small clues, all-around-the-town clues that take them to pancake house, over the Golden Gate Bridge, and finally to a place that seems wrong but could be right. Can Nate the Great keep the world from coming to an end?


因此她派司機開著禮車去機場接奈特及阿泥。奧莉維亞正忙著破解她的第 22 號案子,此案的委託人當肯遺失了一本笑話書。當肯告訴奈特,如果不盡快找到這本書,世界將會毀滅。

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